Key To Success? Consistency

I missed last week because I was on vacation (which was awesome btw)

I wanted to skip this week because we just got back and frankly I’m tired

Over the course of 7 days, I carried my son (because he refused to sit in a stroller) through all 4 Disney theme parks, both Universal theme parks, all of Disney Springs shopping complex, and every where in our resort. My feet hurt, I have horrible heat rash on my ankles for some weird reason (if you email me, I’ll send you a picture, it’s gross), it’s already 1:30am local time. I’m tired

I have dozens more reasons why I could/should skip this week’s newsletter

Skipping another week would be EASY

But I started this newsletter with a goal to consistently write every other week and work my way up to writing every week.

So here I am

Consistency is key

Consistency is an interesting topic & it felt like the right thing to talk about this week. It’s a word we often equate to habits. And of course you can’t talk about habits without talking about James Clear & his classic book Atomic Habits. However, I don’t want to talk about building habits this week. This week is about consistency

As Humans, We Like Consistency

I can hear some of you already “UGH. CONSISTENCY. IT’S SO BORING. NO EXCITEMENT”

Yes, there is truth here, but what if one morning the sun was no longer in the sky? A bit extreme, but the point is still the same. It’s in our psychology to find comfort in things that are known. Things that are consistent.

Consistency is Important at Work

Consider the best people at your job. They are the most consistent. When they make a commitment to do something you can rely on them to stick to their word. Consistency is a part of how you are viewed at work and become a a part of the brand of you (more on that here!)

Consistency is important As a Leader

Everyone has had that leader who flip flops on ideas. I know I’ve been guilty of it over the years. Inconsistency makes working on a project and for a person very difficult and stressful. You never know what to expect when you walk in the door!

The internet & the media LOVE inconsistency

How many times have you seen pictures of old tweets or quotes from a person of influence being called out for changing their position over time. “This [thing] didn’t age well did it?!”. Better call TMZ!

Consistency is Important in Business & Persuasion

While doing some research for this week’s newsletter I came across a very interesting book by Robert Cialdini, PhD called “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”. Cialdini spent countless hours researching advertising & sale reps, military recruiters, and even cult leaders. After immersing himself in the world of persuasion he found that it was more science than art.

The original edition lists 6 Principles of Persuasion (with a 7th being added in the newest edition!)

  • Reciprocation

  • Commitment and Consistency

  • Social Proof 

  • Liking 

  • Authority

  • Scarcity

  • Unity (newest principle)

(Note: I haven’t read this book yet, but found a great series of articles that cover the original 6 Principles. GREAT READ & have convinced me to buy the book)

Bottom line…consistency is key to building rapport, authority, and will help you gain success in whatever your focus is in life.

I want to be consistent in sending this newsletter. Consistent in sharing what I find on my journey. Consistently helping you all find success in your own lives. So here we are 😎

One Final Thing! 👋

I really love hearing from you guys and am always looking for feedback. How am I doing with this newsletter? Is there anything you’d like to hear me talk more (or less) about? Which aspects of the newsletter do you enjoy the most?

Hit reply and even just say hi!

I’d love to hear from you & I respond to every email!

Thanks for reading!

~ A.J. Zampella ✌️

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Little about who I am and what I’m here to do:

15 years in tech & 20 years as a DJ

Mid-career professional trying to thrive in work and life

I spend 100s of hours figuring it out so you can learn in <5 minutes a week!

Other Interesting Things Around the Web I do:


The Racial Controversy Behind One of Alex Hormozi’s Favorite “Studies”


10 Steps to Craft Your Career Roadmap